To our Creative Community…looking forward to the 2025 Melrose Area Festival of the ARTS
An invitation to participate, display, demo, and/or sell your works of art
In 2024 the Melrose Area Arts Council showcased many of our local talents from artwork, authors, and community quilters. It was a huge success!
This year, the Melrose City Center will be hosting once again with an additional display at Freeport State Bank—Melrose location. Due to the public response last year, we will be expanding to the large conference rooms at the City Center, which will allow us to have approx. 20 artists to display their art.
We want to represent all art of our gifted community. You are invited to showcase your talents!
The Melrose Area Arts Council invites you to participate in the art display, which will be open to the public April 30 – May 3. This event will once again promote our area authors, quilters and artists with extra space for a more impressive experience. Artists will be able to display, demo and sell their works. Details such as set-up times, demos, and take down information, will be sent to participants. Each artist will be assigned an eight-foot table. Any sales are the responsibility of the artist. MAAC will ensure oversight of the displays during festival hours but does not assume liability for damage or theft.
Please confirm your interest by Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Ways to submit application: Click on either online or printable application below.
Any questions, please call Dottie at 320-250-4933.
Quilters in the Melrose Community District 740
You are invited to showcase your talents at the 2025 Melrose Area Festival of Arts – April 30 to May 3.
The quilt entry form is available online by clicking the button below. Paper copies will be available upon request.